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I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Daysha & Elvin for a few years now. In fact, the last time I photographed them, little did I know, they were soon to be expecting a most precious baby girl!  I love my clients and when they can be flexible when Mother Nature is not, I love them […]

Mother’s Day Morning Magic

Portrait Sessions

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The first time I got to talk to Andrea she shared with me how she and Ben met through their mutual friends. They met on the beach in 2014 thanks to some sweet friends and that’s when their long distance courtship began! In 2017 Ben proposed to Andrea while on a trip to Savannah, GA […]

Andrea & Ben


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One of things I probably hear the most as a portrait photographer is, “I don’t know how well this is going to go but we’ll try” This is typically a statement made by a trepidatious parent who really wants family portraits but has the familiar  “You don’t know my children” tone in their voice. Knowing […]

Family Portrait Sessions 101

Portrait Sessions

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