Kathrine & Jacob’s Wedding, Broad Bay Country Club Virginia Beach


I remember arriving at the Hilton Oceanfront just as the hair and makeup team were packing up to leave the getting room where Kathrine and all of her girls were gathered. This almost never happens! I DO always arrive early, it’s an innate characteristic of mine that serves me well in this case, but never have I arrived and the hair and makeup team are already finished with their magic. This wondrous surprise had everyone in a good mood. Being ahead of schedule is something you can’t really plan for but as a wedding photographer I will jump at the opportunity to start in early on my responsibilities of the day!

The weather on Kathrine & Jake’s day was very typical of a Virginia Beach winter day. A little overcast, drizzling on and off, just enough to keep us from venturing outside for a pre ceremony portraits without some kind of covering. Given the circumstances our getting ready location thankfully provided us several options to avert the rain and still have classic wedding day portraits!

All of Kathrine & Jake’s family had traveled in from out of town for their wedding day and were staying in the same hotel where they were all getting ready. This made things run very smooth as everyone was close together and in the same place to travel to the near by Broad Bay Country Club, the venue. It also put Kathrine very much at ease to be surrounded my her Mom, soon to be Mother In Law, sisters and soon to be Sisters In Law who were all very excited for the wedding.

The ceremony was incredibly sweet. My favorite point being when each grandmother stood and gave a reading and blessing over Kathrine & Jacob.

When it came time for their bridal portraits everything they had learned from me in their engagement session came flooding back. But when you are marrying the person you’re meant to be with it isn’t very hard to keep your hands off of them or hold back the smiles. It happens very naturally!

Kathrine & Jake, Thank You for choosing me as your Wedding Photographer. I had an amazing day with you both, meeting your loving families and seeing their incredible support of you both was heartwarming. I wish you both all the happiness together! XOXO Meridith


Wedding Day Vendors

Dresses: David’s Bridal

Hair & Make Up: Blush Tones

Flowers: Gather Floral

Suits: Mens Wearhouse

Invitations: Zazzle

Videography: Blu Couture Wedding Films

Violinist: Brooksley Bishop

Venue: Broad Bay Country Club

DJ: 196 Events

Cake: Twisted Sisters

Hotel: Hilton Oceanfront


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