Courtney & Hunter, Engagement Session


I first met Hunter while I was working in my prior “corporate life” as a trainer of insurance adjusters. Sounds super exciting yes? I’m sorry to say I’ll have to save my tales of training for another day 😉 Meeting Hunter I could tell, almost immediately, he is someone who knows exactly what he wants and hardly needs any convincing otherwise. A humorous guy that has plans for a future of amazing journeys!

When Hunter reached out to say he was planning his wedding and his fiance had seen my work and was very excited to talk to me about being their photographer, I was tickled pink! I met with Courtney & Hunter and I could tell right away Courtney was THE ONE for Hunter. Their story of meeting is one that only they can tell. In short, a night out on the town after just returning from the Peace Corps, Courtney ran into Hunter and after a quick exchange about a Mr. Kevin Bacon they were matched!

Courtney’s passion for the ocean was a cherry on top for me. Any of my clients who are willing to splash in the waves and even have a seat in the break are hands down my favorite people! Also, any excuse for me to get waist deep in the saltwater, just enough for my adrenaline to pump for fear of possibly risking my gear that is my livelihood, LOL!!!

Courtney & Hunter, your day is just around the corner and I can’t wait to be apart of it !!! Cheers to you both on this new journey you will share together!

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