Sarah + Jeremy, Norfolk Botanical Gardens Engagement


My excitement level when Sarah asked if we could do their engagement session in Norfolk Botanical Gardens was off the the charts! This location is one that was on my “Photographer Bucket List”. I arrived early on the day of their session to select a few locations for us to shoot but honestly, I ran out of time before their arrival! There are so many amazingly gorgeous and romantic locations to choose from that there wasn’t enough time for me to go through the entire garden!

I hustled back to the main entrance to meet Sarah & Jeremy and my jaw totally fell to the floor when I saw Sarah. She was an absolute vision! Her wintergreen maxi gown was perfect for their engagement session!

Aside from the amazing views the gardens have to offer the bonus is the intoxicating floral scent that wafts throughout the entire property! I’m no expert in the botanical realm so I can’t even fathom a guess as to what flower might produce such a wondrous scent but it was an extremely pleasant addition to our time spent.

If you’re considering the Botanical Gardens as a portrait location you will be happy to know that if you are already a member there is no additional cost to bringing your photographer into the property for a shoot. If you are not current members there is a photography session fee to be paid when scheduling a session there.

Sarah is very creative so she and Jeremy brought along a hand made sign with their wedding date and wine corks with handwritten names and wedding date to their session! I love when my clients include their personal touches! It makes the time that much more special and authentic!!

Speaking of authentic our time spent was not without a little extra excitement. While Sarah & Jeremy changed for the second half of their session I received several texts from David (my Mr. Forever) letting me know our 13 year old daughter was having a reaction to a flu shot she had received a few days before. While I knew there wasn’t much I could do I shared with Sarah & Jeremy the news and Sarah, being a highly trained Nurse, was so sweet to set me at ease. I couldn’t ask for a sweeter Bride!

Sarah & Jeremy I’m incredibly thankful to be your wedding photographer! I’m looking forward to YOUR DAY next October and all the special memories that will be created! Cheers to 10/10/20!!

XOXO- Meridith

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