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The importance of printing your portraits and photos cannot be overstated in my opinion. Growing up a Xennial (a person on the cusp of Gen X and Millennial generations) I experienced the rapid transformation from analog to digital in pretty much all forms of media. While I didn’t grow up in a house with video […]

The Importance of Printing


portrait wall gallery

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Kristen & Jordans French inspired engagement session could only be described as a total dream. The beautiful brick and cobblestone of Cavalier Drive set the stage for this Netflix worthy session. Fitz & Fiona were perfect darlings and may have enjoyed having their picture taken more their Mommy and Daddy. Kristen’s choice of a flirty […]

Kristen & Jordan, a French inspired Engagement Session


French inspired Engagement Session, Virginia Beach French Bulldogs

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Caroline & Hunter’s Springtime engagement session on the Eastern Shore was everything we could have hoped for! They choose Eyre Hall and Kiptopeake State Park for their two locations. They also brought along their platinum retriever puppy, Stevie who added to our fun together!! I love when my clients include their fur babies. Carolines choice […]

Caroline & Hunter, Springtime Engagement on the Eastern Shore, VA


Cape Charles Engagement Portraits, Eyre Hall, Spring

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